Land Measurement Units
Land Measurement Units
In the land transaction, the acre is often used to express areas of land. Land records are written in the metric system. An acre is approximately 40% of a hectare.
The measurement of agricultural land was carried in British Units. The units used for land measurement were as follows:
12 inches = 1 foot
3 feet = 1 yard
9 Square Feet = 1 square yard
121 Square yard = 1 Guntha
40 Gunthas = 1 acre
In so many village maps you might have seen scale as a, for example, 1Inch=10 Chain. इंचास १० साखळी
You have to convert chain into feet as follows:
1 Chain = 66 feet or 22 yards
10 chains = 1 furlong
1 furlong = 201.168 Metres
In 1958, the United States and countries of the Common wealth of Nations defined the length of the international yard to be 0.9144 meters. Consequently, the international acre is exactly 4,046.8564224 square meters. Accordingly
1 Hector = 2.47 acres (approximately)
In the Village Form VII-XII when you read in the “area” column numbers for example
01-34-21 it means
01 = 10000 Square Metres
34 = 3400 Square Metres
21 = 21 Square Metres
Total = 13421 Square Meters
Conversion Table
1 Inch = 2.54 Centimeter
36 Inches = 1 yard
1 yard = 91.44 Centimetres
1 yard = 00.9144 Metres
1 Centimetre = 00.393 inches
100 Centimetres = 39.3 inches
1 Metre = 3.28 ft
1 acre = 1 furlong X 1 chain
1 acre = 660 ft X 66 ft
1 acre = 43560 Sq. ft.
1 acre = 4840 square yards
1 acre = 4046.8564224 Square Metres
1 hectare = 10,000 Square Metre
1 hectare = 107,639 sq ft
1 hectare = 11959.8 sq. yards (1 sq. yard = 0.83612736 sq. Metre)